It has been an honor to serve as your WISCA President this past year, and I’m excited and looking forward to exciting things to come in 2023!
The Annual Meeting on October 9th in Oshkosh was very successful; Dr. Park’s cupping class was excellent and very inspirational and attendance at our first in person meeting in over 2 years was great. Thank you to all that attended, it was really nice to connect in person again after so long.
Here is a summary of WISCA’s 2022:
Membership stayed steady and student membership continued to grow exponentially. Thank you to our rockstar Student Liaison, Morgan Dillman for all her hard work representing WISCA at MCOM! This allowed us to grow our legislative fund coffers and enable committees to have budgets to carry out initiatives (see below in committee reports)
We completed (and presented) WISCA’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan at the Annual Meeting. This exhaustive planning process really helped us drill down where we are as an organization and where we want to go, while identifying strengths and challenges for future boards to continue this work. A HUGE THANK YOU to previous Member at Large KeleMarie Lyons for her expertise in making this come to life! You can read the new Strategic Plan on the Members Only page of our website.
In an effort to better serve membership and expand our brand, WISCA conducted a website audit this summer. Focusing on SEO and increasing evergreen content, the board voted to move forward with a revamp of the website in 2023 through the ASA. Among other things, this will allow us to move away from PayPal and utilize a more user friendly & secure payment portal for membership. Stay tuned for updates regarding your membership account.
AND SO MUCH MORE….more details and specifics can be found in the Annual Meeting Powerpoint on the Members Only page.
Thank you for continuing to advocate for acupuncture in Wisconsin by supporting WISCA! We should all be proud of the strong association and committed volunteers we have in our state. Our progress in recent years has not gone unnoticed and it’s energizing to imagine where we will be in another 5 years.
Please encourage your colleagues to join WISCA, we are in this together! Many hands make light work.
Megan Bielinski, WISCA President