President’s Blog – Winter 2022

Published: September 17, 2024

Happy Chinese New Year! This year we celebrate the year of the Water Tiger, the fluidity and ability to morph of Water combined with the strength, power and precision of the Tiger.

The symbolism the Tiger evokes is very fitting for where we find ourselves as acupuncturists in 2022; stalking, waiting and watching for the right time to strike. In Wisconsin we are planning and plotting to move acupuncture inclusion forward in Medicaid when the state legislature resumes sessions, which won’t be until 2023. There is a lot of groundwork to be done in the meantime. Stay plugged in for more information coming soon from the Advocacy Committee on next steps and an upcoming virtual advocacy training.

On a national level we continue our hunt for Medicare inclusion. Familiarize yourself with AcuCongress, the grassroots advocacy group lead by Kallie Guillmond that is setting up meetings with legislators to increase HR4803’s co-sponsorship in the House of Representatives. If you are interested in attending meetings with your rep, FIRST complete the 3 part training videos on YouTube, SECOND contact WISCA immediate past president Louis Jin for next steps.

It is an exciting time to be an acupuncturist, and I’m looking forward to this year and working together with you.

We are stronger together, 

Megan Bielinski, L.Ac