President’s Blog – Winter 2023

Published: September 17, 2024

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you enjoyed a restful and restorative holiday season with your nearest and dearest.

Flipping the calendar to a new year always brings me a sense of renewed hope. Hope for new beginnings and hope that life post-covid is starting to feel more normal again. This Chinese New Year we celebrate the year of the Water Rabbit. The sign of the Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture. According to the Chinese zodiac, 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope.

One way to translate that hope into action is by attending the 2023 ASA Annual Conference in Washington D.C. This is the super bowl of acupuncture; this conference will help us define our future in American healthcare. Here’s our opportunity to advocate for Medicare recognition through in-person meetings with your legislators’ office. It is FREE for those who register for the conference. The more people who spread the word about acupuncture, the greater our impact will be!

Let’s ride that wave of hope all year long! Exciting things are abreast in 2023 for WISCA, stay tuned as we continue to evolve and move our organization forward. It is only with your support that we are able to foster continued growth and prosperity for our profession locally & nationally.

Thank you for your continued membership,
Megan Bielinski, WISCA President